304. Write a Letter to Granny

Suggested time: 1 — 3 hours Write a letter to your grandmother. If writing a letter to your grandmother doesn’t resonate with you, try writing a letter to any older relative in your family—an aunt or an uncle. After you write the letter, make a note of the following: Your choice of topics Your tone 304. Write a Letter to Granny

An Artist’s Statement

An artist’s statement offers a glimpse of your world at the current moment in time. It is not a resume, a bio, or a list of your accomplishments. Rather, it is a summary of your current passions and interests that are relevant for your target audience. The statement might include descriptions of: Your passions Your An Artist’s Statement

26. The Bad Guys

Suggested time: 10 — 15 minutes Who did you think were the bad guys when you were little? Now what do you think? Do you still have a picture of who the bad guys are? Have they changed since you were a child? If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older. – 26. The Bad Guys