Podcast — exercise

Produce a 3 minute podcast that tells a personal story. You’ll find some great examples that you might want to emulate at: NPR StoryCorps Center for Digital Storytelling  Part One: Planning What story will you tell? What questions will you ask? For a great list of questions, see StoryCorps’ Great Questions. Who will you interview? Podcast — exercise

Instructions — exercise

Write a clear set of instructions that tells your audience how to perform a specific task. In your introduction, briefly state what the reader will learn from your instructions. What is the purpose? Who should read it? Why? If helpful, also explain what the reader will not learn. Remember to: Organize information in small chunks Instructions — exercise

Photo story — exercise

Tell a story with one photo and words. The objective is to tell your story seamlessly, integrating the image with your words. The image should carry some of the weight of the narrative. In other words, the photo tells part of the story, and without it, the story would not be complete. For the photo, Photo story — exercise